Why Do We Need Jesus Every Hour?

CrosswalkHeadlines Contributor
Why Do We Need Jesus Every Hour?

I need Thee ev'ry hour,
In joy or pain;
Come quickly and abide,
Or life is vain.

Speaking of a scary world, it is extremely disorienting when we realize that the things we typically put our trust in–our jobs, our marriage, our money, our status, etc.--are just spiderwebs. They don’t hold us up for even one second.

But Jesus is the cornerstone that can depended on. He guides the building of the rest of our lives and makes it so we can ultimately know what we’re doing and where we’re going.

As the 1834 hymn “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less” puts it:

On Christ, the Solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand.

In our heart of hearts, we’re all really like golden retrievers, desperate for love and attention at all times (if you’ve owned a golden retriever, you know what I’m talking about). 

This is a good thing! The God of love created us, God himself is love. Love gives our existence meaning. Without love, we are alone, purposeless, and darkened. We especially need this unconditional love when we have messed up (which, as I’ve said, happens innumerable times a day).

Even if you’re a tough guy and think you could make it in life without love, just think about the times from your childhood that you were harmed by others’ not loving you the way you needed. We all need love, and we all need it all the time.

Thankfully, Jesus demonstrated that his love is as unconditional as it gets: dying for us while we were still his enemies.

“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

We don’t know when Jesus is coming back or when the day of judgment will be–Jesus himself doesn’t even know! (Matthew 24:36).

And I, for one, don’t wish to be relying on my own righteousness when that day does come. We rely on Jesus’ salvation every second of every day, because we can do nothing on our own (John 15:5).

It is such a beautiful thing that we have Jesus to rely on. He gives us our breath; he sustains our existence; he continually purifies us; he gives us a place at the table; he is our Rock; he loves us no matter what; and he can’t wait to take us home with him as his bride when that day comes.

We do need him every hour. Truly, we need him minute, every second, every millisecond, every nanosecond, for eternity! And thankfully, Jesus himself kindly invites us to depend on him: “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these’” (Matthew 19:14).

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/AtarzynaBialasiewicz 

The views expressed in this commentary do not necessarily reflect those of CrosswalkHeadlines.

Kelly-Jayne McGlynn is a former editor at Crosswalk.com. She sees the act of expression, whether through writing or art, as a way to co-create with God and experience him deeper. Check out her handmade earrings on Instagram and her website for more of her thoughts on connecting with God through creative endeavors.